
Local Artists

picture of 2 camera lens and a almond milk tea with boba in between in front of a origami crane wall

Minh Nguyen
Store Photographer
2019 to Present
Contact: Instagram @abyssal.arw

picture of artist noel with hand painted bubble tea letters

​​​​​​​Noel Bogue
Artist | Painter
Bubble Tea Letters, 2022
Contact: Instagram @noelbogueart
picture of artist madeline in front of a fish mural she painted around a bobaholic sign

Madeline Ridenbaugh
Artist | Muralist
Koi Fish Mural, 2022
Contact: Instagram @mjrpaintz

picture of artist karie and her crane wall with floating clouds
Karianey Thoun
Pastel Paper Cranes in the Sky, 2020

Store Photographer
2020 to 2021
Contact: Instagram @karie_okie

picture of artist samantha with her pick up here balloon and tea signage

Samantha Siemion
Artist | Painter
Order Here & Pick Up Here Balloons, 2021
Contact: Email SamanthaLSiemion@gmail.com
picture of artist hannah painting her pastel cloud ceiling

Hannah Walker
Artist | Painter
Pastel Ceiling Clouds, 2020
Contact: Instagram @remymelon 

picture of nikki and her dangling hand painted boba cups

Nikki Ellis
Artist | Painter
Floating Bubble Tea Cups, 2020
Contact: Instagram @nikki_kovu_ellis

picture of the logo that kera designed

Kera Roake
Logo and Website Designer
Contact: Instagram @kera.roake

Use the contact us tab, if you're interested in collaborating on an art piece to be displayed in our cafe!